Monday, July 15, 2013

Just Too Cute For Words

Hey, guys! I had hoped to get another part of my Mary Astor bio up but as usual things keep coming up. If you follow me on Twitter you've seen the pic of my ugly brown recluse spider bite on my typing hand. Those things can make you feel like death. (Insert Black Widow joke here) Also a sign that I shouldn't start dusting behind my couch and going forward I don't care if a family of opossums start squatting back there. Leaving them be! (I also think John Barrymore is haunting me for exposing him as a cad and he'll do what it takes to keep Astor's bio from being finished. ha ha)

Since we're talking about insects and animals I might as well show a few pics of some with our favorite classic stars. Some on the set and some tormenting their owners around the house.

Jean Parker poses with her adorable co-star.

Joan Collins spends some quality time with her little pooch.

Kim Novak and her little buddy. I don't know who has the cuter smile here. It's a close one.

When it comes to a post on pets, you knew Jayne Mansfield would make an appearance. She loved her little chihuahuas. 

Doris Day gives out treats to one cute poodle.

Betty Grable looks quit comfortable with her gorgeous co-star.

Collette D'Arville poses with her adorable babies but I can't take my eyes off those jewels. 

Barbara Streisand has some fun on set between scenes.

Marie Wilson does a bit of grooming.

Sally Eilers camouflages her adorable doggy with her busy dress. (I hope that is just a bouquet and not actually an unusual gown adornment.)

Joan Leslie looks like she's involved in a serious discussion here. "Listen up, Mister, you will not shed on my expensive suit and if you want to bite someone, it's the Joan, last name Crawford!"

Randy Scott and his little buddy enjoy a day at the beach.

Elizabeth Taylor and husband, Michael Wilding share some alone time with their cute little dog.

Everything about Jeannette MacDonald is fabulous here! The fur, hat, car and that sweet little dog.

Do you have a favorite here? 

This post is dedicated to my parents dog, and my little brother, Bob Barker, who passed on recently. You may remember my mentioning him in previous posts.

Also before I close, I've been missing Shirley lately. Is anyone else? (Don't bother answering that, Ivan!) I know she co-hosts my hat series but I just might bring her back for a few swim wear posts.  You know she'll have plenty to say about what all of those divas were wearing.

See ya soon!


  1. To quote from my National Velvelt review, "aww. Isn't it adorable?" Excellant post, Page. Say hi to your doggie from me. :)

    1. Matt,
      I sense a bit of sarcasm. ha ha
      I'm not dying from my spider bite but I will say hello to Bob Barker when we meet up again one day. : )

      Thanks for stopping by. Have you been anyone fun this summer?

  2. Dog gone it! What a howl of a post. Although I have to say that in your first entry its Jean Parker that is the adorable one. But bow-wow to you.

    1. Christian,
      You just made me cough up a fur ball! ha ha
      Good to see you, as always.

  3. Sorry for your hand! It must be horrible to be bitten by a spider.
    Oh, Kim and the monkey! Sooo funny!
    And why isn't Jayne Mansfield in her heart-shaped bed? :(

    1. Hi, Le! : )
      Maybe that photo was taken before Jayne got enough money together to buy her dream boudoir?

      Always look forward to your comments. You're such a sweetheart.

  4. Pets make everyone smile. See? I'm smiling now.

    1. Dawn,
      I do know how much you love your Pawsome Pet pics. ha ha You're like a moth to a flame when it comes to adorable companions.

      I hope you're doing well and enjoying your hot summer.

    2. CW,
      I don't know why I saw your cute little doll icon and thought it was Dawn when I was leaving comments. I think I saw it as Betty Boop. ha ha Dang it, as I mentioned to Dawn below I'm confused so forgive me.

      We sure do have a lot of animal lovers around here which is awesome. : )

  5. Thanks for the picture of Jeanette MacDonald with her Skye Terrier! It made my day.

    1. ilex,
      Always glad to see another Jeannette fan! She was always so fashionable, perfection whenever she stepped out.

      Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing in the discussion.

  6. Page you are freaking me out!! You are replying to my post before I even get here:)

    I hope that you are feeling better from your spider bite..

    My favorite pawsome picture is... Joan Collins, with her beagle(because I also own one). Although, I do have a soft spot for spaniel's too I'm just getting to old for their energy level.

    1. Dawn,
      I can't stop laughing because when I read this I got so confused. (I'm sure as you were when you read my comment to CW that was to you.) Can I blame the spider venom for this one? CW must think I've finally lost the farm or is that, bought the farm?. ha ha

      I do remember that you have a beagle since we talked about my sister raising them a few years ago. She's now moved on to dachshunds. Well, now she also has a poodle and a boxer. She's never met a dog she didn't fall in love with and when I told her that I was paying tribute to Bob Barker since he passed she wanted to know why her dogs never get their time in the spotlight. ha ha

      Now I need to go back up and explain to CW that I've gone nuts so just don't pay any attention to me. : (

  7. Thanks for some cute pics, especially the one of Kim Novak and friend!

  8. I adore the cow in the Jean Parker photo. Sooo cute.

    I wish Collette D'Arville would turn that bling down. It's blinding me!

    Yes, where HAS Shirley been lately?

  9. Love critters and Golden Age stars. I can't pick a favorite among the pix here, but there's one I've seen online of a fairly young Tyrone Power playing with a puppy that is a personal favorite.

    1. Page, I've only recently caught up on a whole bunch of things, so this is the first I'm hearing about that rotten old brown recluse spider that's been making you so miserable! I'm so sorry you've had to go through that ordeal. I know other people thus stricken, and it was no picnic for them, either. I hope you'll be 100% well ASAP. On the bright side, you now have a great excuse for not clearing behind the furniture! In any case, with all those adorable dogs and their movie-star masters and mistresses, we didn't miss Shirley this time around, though somehow there'll be heck to pay if Shirley gets wind of it! :-D Feel better soon, my friend!

  10. Ewwwww....spiders! I hate them, even when they don't bite! It is better from when we last talked, isn't it? Love your pet pictures -- Jeannette McDonald's is my favorite -- fur everywhere and it looks great! BTW, Ivan has been asking about Shirley -- I think he's missing her. Shirley! Shirley! Shirley!

  11. Hello Page, I love your have done a great work and I love your passion for Classic and old Hollywood. I wanted to invite you to my New community on Google+ for Classic Hollywood here the link to the community I hope you like it and join us and share your lovely work with us, I wanted to send the link in private message but I couldn't find your email address..sorry to publish it here of course you free to delete the comment :)

    this is my email address if you like to send me a private email:

    wish you the best,

    1. Hi, Rose!
      I will email you and check out your blog.
      Thanks so much for the support and kind words.
      Please continue to contribute here on old Hollywood!
