Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July Everyone

Mae West is very patriotic

Ann Miller is a beauty in her red, white and blue. 

Ann Sheridan, Yankee Doodle dandy indeed.

Jayne Mansfield is ready to light up everyone's 4th

Susan Hayward has decided to ride her firecracker over the moon. Hold on tight Susan!

Wishing everyone a fun and safe Independence Day.  And if I can give you one word of advice from my mom. Please steer clear of anything made with mayonnaise if attending a picnic out in the heat.  Oh, and light a sparkler for me since we are under a burn ban here.

See you after the holiday,


  1. Yay for Annie Sheridan! Happy 4th to you, too!

  2. FlickChick,
    Wishing you a fun 4th too. I just wish I had those festive shorts that Ann is wearing. I would be the 'star' of the picnic I'm sure.

  3. Duh! Where have I been? It's July 6 -- so, Happy July 6TH? Just doesn't have the same ring to it. Wow, Mae IS liberty! Great pictures. And I love the last one of you wiht your sparkly little two-piece and hairbow!

  4. Becky,
    I assume you are late because you were running around to picnics shouting warnings about the mayo dangers.

    West looks so bizarre as Lady Liberty..the crazy things those stars would do for publicity stills.

    I'm glad you enjoyed my 4th of July ensemble because I was a bit nervous that the glitter flag hot pants would take away from my ginormous head.

  5. Dawn,
    I hope you had a fantastic holiday weekend as well. : )
